Quantum Healing & Rejuvenation Breath & Meditation Journeys - Online DNA Series Bundle

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A Note from Lily Winsaft

Wow! I am so happy you are finding yourself on this page! 
What you are about to experience cannot be found ANYWHERE on planet Earth. 

By taking the action to embark on this "bundle" of journeys, which is the result of a group of high frequency Lightworkers connecting during a period of 6 weeks (from May through June of 2024) with the most incredible dimensions of Love & Light that you can imagine, your life will be transformed. 

Each journey will take you to places you have never been before and your life can't help but to never be the same again.

The audios for this entire program are unedited and uncut. You are getting the original, raw material as it came through and was channeled to me by my Guides and The Masters.

Journey Bundle Summary

In this powerful healing series you will be taken on a journey to alter the compromised genetic structures within the organs, glands and systems associated with the main 7 Chakras of your body.

You will also learn how to heal Mental & Emotional health issues. Finally, you will experience an activation of the Youth Codes that are lying dormant within your DNA and slow down your aging process.

Special Masters Messages on Video

Journey 1 - The Root & Sacral Chakra  

Journey 2 - The Solar Plexus Chakra  

Journey 3 - The Heart & Throat Chakras  

Journey 4 - The Brow and Crown Chakras  

Journey 5 - Enlightened Mental & Emotional Health  

Journey 6 - Quantum Rejuvenation   

Lily Winsaft

"Throughout the series, I have felt a heightened awareness of my divinity.  I have been able to connect to the physical and spiritual realm like never before.  It's almost as if I have removed blocks of cement and toxins from my body to finally see my essence in its purest form. 

Each breath somehow holds a spark and space for oneness within.

 I have an overwhelming trust and peace within my heart and an unexplainable knowing  of my mission and gifts to bring forth to humanity! During one of the breaths for the sacral chakra I got the message "this is the greatest opportunity to utilize my wisdom across lifetimes," which is the remembrance I needed to take deeper action! Thank you so much for curating a lovely healing space!!  
In love and light always!" ~ Lisa, Florida

"The DNA breathwork series and the Quantum Healing and Rejuvenation breathwork series allowed for a physical component of releasing of pain and disease being carried into my world through my body, heart and mind from generations of trauma and conditioning that was keeping my essence imprisoned. It allowed me to put bags down that I no longer needed to carry, validation within myself for the wounds that I had experienced, accountability for the lessons I chose for my soul’s journey, and the fire to seek new avenues and create my own pathways I am now so proud of and excited about again. 

I was apprehensive of the breathwork due to its difficulty at the beginning and my lack of knowledge on the topic. However, trusting in the guidance of the divine and feeling Lily’s love pouring in every class to our tribe, allowed me to take first steps into breathwork without fear and it truly changed my life. 

My life as I knew it was no longer the same in the most beautiful and magical ways. I’ve seen hopes, desires, and dreams come to fruition in ways I never thought possible. It helped me lean into the dark wounds, the uncharted territory within my soul, and lead me to the deepest parts of myself that needed love and light. In doing so, I was able to re-align with my soul purpose and union with my essence." J.M. Florida

"Hi Lily, Thank you so much for the sessions so far in this series. For me, they have been more enlightening and profound than expected. I know of the main 7 chakras pretty well through yoga but you're delving in on a deeper level. After last week's heart chakra session, I was on a love high as if I'd just done mushrooms! LOL! 

Last night, I was able to connect with my Mom. There was so much love and I was so grateful to be able to just be with her in that way. I also had visions of Pegasus in full flight which I've had before. I'm familiar with the spiritual significance of that.. And I realized I still have places I'd like to go - I'd love to swim with Sperm Whales off Dominica, go to Bhutan, Peru 
and maybe Bora Bora. Wow! 

Thank you for all of the great resources and recordings you've been providing us. I haven't had the capacity to take full advantage of them, but I hope to incorporate more of them soon. 

Sending lots and lots of gratitude and love to you Lily." ~ Karen

**Disclaimer: The creators and facilitators of the programs on this site are not medical doctors or counselors, nor do they nor will they ever pretend to be a replacement for traditional medical treatment (physical, mental or emotional).  Anything they claim to witness in terms of energetic healing is just that…the witnessing of energetic healing. Any and all their  recommendations are to be taken as spiritual awareness or guidance and not as medical advice. Please consult with a medical practitioner for all medical diagnosis and treatment where applicable and where it makes sense to do so.

Ticket to Your 6 Journeys

Quantum Health & Rejuvenation Meditation & Breath

$269 USD

  • 6 Quantum Journeys, each packed with teachings, breath instructions, and guided breath and meditation journeys

Embark on Journey Now