The Masters Messages on Video - Quantum Healing & Rejuvenation

Breath & Meditation Journey Messages to Inspire You


This is not a course, really. It's a beautiful collection of inspiring messages from The Masters, a beautiful collective of Light Beings that I have been privileged to receive Wisdom from since I was a child but more intensely beginning in 2017 when I began connecting with them during my daily sunrise walks. The video above was a message my son Kory received from Metatron with whom he has a deep connection. Metatron made a special appearance during one of our breath journeys in the Quantum Healing & Rejuvenation Series.

The videos in this "course" are created with slightly edited messages to fit them into YouTube context. The original channeled messages can be found as audios in each of the journeys found in the Quantum Healing & Rejuvenation Breath & Mediation Series!

The Masters Messages

Lily Winsaft

"Very comforting to hear the messages from the Masters and Metatron today." ~ Dawn

"If you recall, I never was assigned an archangel in AEH class. Some time back I did a kind of test from Kyle Gray (the “angel expert” 😊) and Metatron, whom I’d never heard of, was the one I related to most. I’ve had contact with “him” since and he was present during the journey; I feel he is my archangel. I was very interested in Kory’s connection with him, that is wonderful! So happy for him and for you." ~ Linda


Enjoy This Beautiful Gift!

The Masters Messages on Video - Quantum Healing


  • Messages from The Masters brought in during Quantum Healing & Rejuvenation Breath & Meditation Journeys - Online DNA Series

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