Quantum Solar Plexus Chakra Teaching & Breath Journey

Breath & Meditation Journeys to Heal the Physical, Mental, and Emotional Aspects of Your Life

A Note from Lily Winsaft

   I am so happy you are here!  What you are about to experience cannot be found ANYWHERE on planet Earth.  

The audios for this journey are unedited and uncut.
You are getting the original, raw material as it came through and was channeled to me by my Guides and The Masters.  

The Integration sessions are all live, actual sharing from the participants who were able to come out of trance in time to speak!

Journey Summary

In this powerful healing journey you will be learn how to alter the compromised genetic structures within the organs, glands and systems associated with the Solar Plexus Chakras of your body.  During the breath journey we will anchor new Light Codes into your entire genetic structure.

Journey 2 - The Solar Plexus Chakra

6 Journey Aspects

"I just listened to the solar plexus earlier today. I believe it works on me subconsciously. I’ve had to pull the plug on a relationship and I believe the session helped to empower me to do that. It’s been an ordeal. It’s nice to have the recordings for reflection. 🙏"
~ J.B.

"That was so powerful.  Thank you, Lily so much! That was extraordinary; somehow these series get more powerful every time! Thank you for all your hard work you put into facilitating such an amazing space! Love you much! That was the closest I’ve been to peace in my lifetime 🙏🏼🦋💡"
~ L. S.

"...Prior to the Sunstone coming through, I saw the beautiful beams of golden light come from the Sun and straight to my Solar Plexus, as it also turned up the illumination of the beach and air around me. As it swirled into my Solar Plexus and pelvic basin, there was the sense of black smoke gathering there, and I was told to breathe it out. So I concentrated on some Transformational Breaths there in particular and the smoke was literally exhaled out of my body…a very clear sense this was something that I had been holding onto for a while that I was consciously releasing as it no longer serves me…The golden light from the Sun then was able to swirl very clearly in my Solar Plexus, and the channel between that and my Heart opened up...The connection between the two, the Solar Plexus and the Heart was very strong.  My Heart chakra glowed a very beautiful lush green; so, gold in my Solar Plexus and up through the now clear channel to the green of my Heart. My body didn’t dissolve; it became so filled up with golden light that it was both inside me but also surrounding me that it felt like my skin was no longer containing me...I was literally a beam of golden light now standing on the beach. I both had physical form but existed outside or beyond that physical form." ~ R.F.

Lily Winsaft

**Disclaimer: The creators and facilitators of the programs on this site are not medical doctors or counselors, nor do they nor will they ever pretend to be a replacement for traditional medical treatment (physical, mental or emotional). Anything they claim to witness in terms of energetic healing is just that…the witnessing of energetic healing. Any and all their recommendations are to be taken as spiritual awareness or guidance and not as medical advice. Please consult with a medical practitioner for all medical diagnosis and treatment where applicable and where it makes sense to do so.

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Quantum Solar Plexus Chakra Journey

$55 USD

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