(Live) Conscious Breathwork for Beginners Airs Wednesday September 25th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM Eastern

09/12 7-9PM ET Donation Based Transformational Breath Workshop

Event Summary

This workshop is for you if you've never tried breathwork before or if you are looking for ways to maximize your current practice. Come find our what the global fuss is all about and why everyone seems to be doing breathwork nowadays!

Register today and learn how to experience the magic of conscious connected breathing to heal physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma, strengthen your immune system and put you in direct contact with your Higher Self and the Divine.

This event includes high frequency downloads that are extremely healing!  Keep calm and breathe on.

Event Teachings

Access to materials, audios and videos will be available 48 hours after the live class completes

Some things you will learn:

Recent research on the mind-body connection utilizing our breath has been proven and science is agreeing.

Conscious connected breathing detoxifies and strengthens our immune system. Consciously connecting your inhale and your exhale is one of the simplest and most powerful tools we have.

Conscious connected breathing can help to balance the nervous system, and can assist us in overcome fears and anxieties. Breath work opens doors to prosperity, health, love and gives you an opportunity to make a difference in your life and in the world.

Through a consistent practice of breathing consciously, we can bring healing to our individual past trauma, and extend our healing to include healing trauma for all of humanity!

Lily Winsaft

If you have any questions, please reach out to Lily at 678-642-8874 or send her an email: lily@8thchakra.com

Embark On Your Journey 

Conscious Breathwork for Beginners

$15 USD

  • The cost of this workshop is donation-based. If you would like to attend for free, please use Coupon Code: Gift4Me

Enroll In the Journey