Programs To Help You Know Your Inner Light & Truth

Choose from a selection of top selling high frequency online teachings with new courses added regularly.

Special Live & Recorded Events

Access dozens of hours of high frequency and profoundly healing  teachings that you can put into practice immediately. Enjoy guided meditations, transformational breath journeys and recorded classes that fully support your spiritual path. 

You are here to master what it is to be Human and we are here to help you do that! All the knowledge is already within you. We help you to remember it!

Learn At Your Own Pace

For live events you can interact with the instructors, ask questions and share your personal experiences. Then sit back later to enjoy the recordings, all carrying the original healing frequency in which they were designed. 

Otherwise, all recorded courses can be accessed from any device, any time at your convenience. Resume exactly where you left off. 

Awesome Community

Join our community and connect with fellow members from around the world who are just like you...remembering who they are, passionate about healing for themselves and for the world, and ready to advance their journey towards ascension.

There is power in joining a strong community of beautiful people that are collectively shining their light onto the world. Join today!